“HOPE” stands for Helping Other PEople, which is part of AFI’s mission. Each year, funds will be allocated towards various areas of assistance for those in need with Aniridia Syndrome. The options will fall into two categories to include non-medical assistance awards and medical assistance awards. Category one (non-medical assistance) continues the tradition of offsetting costs for those in need by providing funding assistance to attend the AFI Make-a-Miracle conferences while also adding support for purchasing visually impaired adaptive equipment and for peer counseling. Category two (medical assistance) provides the facilitation and help to offset costs of medical services to include genetic testing, specific appointments or surgeries with specialized physicians or professional counseling.
HOPE Awards will be disbursed following a quarterly application process. The application deadline for the next review is May 15, 2022.

Join us as we celebrate the expansion of areas of assistance and the “memorial rebranding” of the HOPE fund to The Chris Albrecht HOPE Fund, in honor of Chris Albrecht, who created it. Help us continue to recognize the importance of every individual and encourage the “pay it forward” mentality. Visit us on our Helping People webpage to view our brochure, or Contact Us to request a Chris Albrecht HOPE Fund application.
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